
Cowen-Breen, C., Brooks, C., Haubold, J., Graziosi, B. 2023. “Logion: Machine Learning for Greek Philology.” arXiv 2305.01099.

Cowen-Breen, C., Brooks, C., Haubold, J., Graziosi, B. 2023. “Logion: Machine-Learning Based Detection and Correction of Textual Errors in Greek Philology.” Proceedings of the Ancient Language Processing Workshop 1: 170-78.

Graziosi, B., Haubold, J., Cowen-Breen, C., Brooks, C. 2023. “Machine Learning and the Future of Philology: A Case Study.” TAPA 153: 253-84.

Code available: Github (code), Hugging Face (latest model).